Apple chai-der is a delicious blend of the two most delicious fall beverages, apple cider and chai tea. The drink starts off with regular apple cider, then kicks things up a notch with warm spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove.
Go on a whisky tour of the world while bypassing Scotland, the bastion of malted nectar? We accepted the challenge and discovered 10 new favourites, some in the unlikeliest places.
Casein is a protein that is found in milk. Groups of casein normally float around in milk without bonding. These groupings have a negative charge. The acidity of the Red Bull causes the negative charges on the casein groupings to become neutralized. Instead of pushing each other apart, the casein starts to clump together causing the milk to curdle and form solid matter.
You know how you can go to those little Mexican restaurants that have the refreshing drink machines full of that sweet rice drink, horchata? Did it ever seem like some kind of arcane powdered mix or a secret recipe you would never know? If you've ever found a recipe, did you imagine it needing all these crazy ingredients that you can't find for cheap at your local supermarket?
In particular, the "How to Make Your Own Red Bull" tutorial. I've tried the usual ways (double-click on right-pointing arrow, right-click to "Open Link in New Tab," pound mouse against screen, etc., but am unable to open this (or any of the tutorials). Should I try again tomorrow, or is there a secret handshake or password I need to know?
How many of us actually drink enough water? It's one of the easiest ways to improve your health, but most people don't get nearly as much as they should. We've grown so accustomed to soda, coffee, and sugary juices that water just seems bland by comparison.
Most people need their morning pick-me-up to get the day started right. There's a Starbucks on every corner and caffeine "shots" are sold in convenience stores everywhere. Even Mountain Dew is getting in on the action with its new KickStart "breakfast" drink (whatever that means).
If you ask me, one of the best things about winter weather is drinking warm beverages to beat the cold. Coffee is my favorite, but hot chocolate is a close second. Whether it's the just-add-water mix from a pack or a spicy homemade Mexican variety, there's something comforting about sipping on warm, liquid chocolate.
Opening a brand new carton of juice can be disastrous if you're not careful. The air pressure on the inside of the carton is waiting to exit, but does so in a vigorous force when opening a carton for the first time.
Through the hot summer months staying properly hydrated can be difficult and boring. Water is not a good "flavor" after your third or fourth glass of the day. There are store-bought re-hydration beverages available but they are expensive and generally packed with sugar. Here is a simple way to flavor your water with things you most likely have in the house.
Tannin is usually added to the must before fermentation begins, but this is not absolutely necessary and, in your case, not even desired. We add it to most non-grape wines before fermenting, but often adjust it upward by taste, just before bottling. This can be a delicate process.
Kegging systems are great, but they are not the most portable. There are a few options for those with a keg system who do not want to pull it apart just to bring the beer to a friend’s house. Your options are to pour directly into a beer bottle, attach a tube to your tap and use a beer bottle, or hook up a counter pressure bottle filler/ beer gun.
What is it that makes Japanese women and men live longer and healthier than the average human? Yes, genes do play a major role in determining our health but seeing the recent surge of a number of diseases such as obesity, cholesterol, coronary diseases, etc in the Western part of the world, it can sure be said that eating habits highly influence our health – both negatively and positively.
If you like Starbucks Frappuccinos but want to add a little bit of an alcoholic kick to them, try adding some vodka. Pouring some vanilla flavored vodka over the top of some and serving it in a chilled martini glass is a great way to quickly create a dessert drink. Enjoy this clip for the full Vanilla Frappuccino Martini recipe.
If you put your frozen fruit in the blender while it's hard as a rock, your blender will not blend it! Leave your fruit sitting out for a bit (put the frozen fruit bag in a bowl, so the melting juice doesn't run all over) or leave your blender container sitting in the fridge overnight after step 2.
Many people like the convenience of the new Folger's single serving coffee bags. They're great when you just want one cup and can be taken to work or used when going camping. Unfortunately they're so Very Expensive. Isn't there a simple, cheep method of making your own Single Serve Coffee Bags out of readily available materials?
I can't resist Luxirare's decadent, over the top food tutorials... even when it involves making white chocolate egg molds covered in edible gold leaf and injected with egg nog.
Cappuccinos are Italian beverages that are made up of espresso, steamed milk and frothed milk. An authentic cappuccino tastes delicious—the warm, tasty beverage will melt you away. Now, let's learn how to make it.
Moringa oleifera is one of the most rich sources of nutrients and vitamins that our body needs. It is rich in calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and iron. Moringa can be prepared as a vegetable or included in soups, but mostly just the leaves and fruits are used. Others prefer to drink it as tea.
A sweet and delicious dessert! To make this English delight, you will need: 2 1/4 cups pitted dates, 2 cups cold water, 3 teaspoons baking soda, 1/2 cup unsalted butter, 1 1/4 cups sugar, 3 teaspoons vanilla extract, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 eggs, 1 3/4 cups flour, 2 cups light brown sugar, 2 cups heavy cream and fresh berries to garnish.
A nostalgic throwback to the soda shoppes of yore. To make this delicious shake, you will need: 1 cup of whole milk, 8 ounces of chocolate ice cream, 2 tablespoons of dark chocolate syrup or fudge topping, whipped cream and a blender.
The battle between Pepsi and Coke has been a grueling one, with both sides securing their secret formulas for great tasting, addicting sodas behind lock and key.
Don't use any more expensive chai extracts or powders! You can make your own delicious chai latter at home. All you need is some black tea (English breakfast works well), a little milk and a few spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cloves or nutmeg.
There's nothing quite like a steaming cup of hot chocolate - and maybe some chestnuts roasting and a fireplace burning - to get yourself in the Christmas spirit.
In this video, you'll be learning how to make coconut milk kefir, which is a fermented beverage that's thought to be great for your health. Although using fresh, young coconuts is optimal, you can also use storebought coconut to prepare your kefir.
Got a sniffling nose, congested chest, and plenty o' coughs? We don't blame you. Winter is officially cold season, and with all the crowd-filled parties and shopping malls you'll be at, airborne disease risk is at an all-time high.
So it's 6 AM on Monday morning and you're sitting at your dining room table dreading the hour-long drive to work. While taking a swig of Vodka - or at least a flouncy little martini - would probably make you feel better, invigorate the senses and ease your way into the workweek with this Monday Morning espresso cheesecake mocktail instead.
In this video, we learn how to make a smooth and creamy Irish car bomb. First, take a Guinness glass and put a half pint of Guinness into it. After this, let it set and grab a shot glass. Fill it with half Bailey's and half Buchlums. After this, drop the shot into the glass and drink up! Drink the entire thing until you have the shot. This should be creamy and very smooth as you drink it through. Make sure you drink it all, then you will have the full taste of it and it will be fresh in your...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make the Victorian cocktail. To start, you will first need a martini glass, mandarin-infused vodka, St. Germain, and bitter juice. Pour an ounce of each of these into the shaker with some cubed ice. Then, use a spoon to mix this together instead of shaking it. Do this until the sorbet comes out of it and then strain it into the martini glass. From here, add a bit of food coloring to the glass in the middle. From here, garnish with a blood orange peel and you...
The Kawakawa tree is a teeny little thing that grows in New Zealand. The leaves of this tree are thought to relieve everything from bruises to toothaches to bladder problems, and can be pounded into an infusion for tea.
For those of you who are going, "Huh? What the heck is feijoa?," feijoa is also known as a pineapple guava or guavasteen. Feijoas are super sweet and can be tossed into smoothies and even mixed into Vodka for an extra kick.
Move over November, Movember is here to stay. Join the fight against men's cancer and grow your own moustache. But that's not all. Movember is a time to learn about staying healthy, and more importantly… being healthy! In this video, you'll learn how to prevent prostate cancer with the perfect morning shake.
Despite what its name would naturally suggest, the chocolate egg cream drink doesn't actually contain any eggs...or cream. It does, however, contain chocolate (thankfully). The chocolate egg cream is actually a chocolate soda (thank the heavens for such an invention) that's not well known outside of New York, though we're it soon will be.
Bacon and cocktails. Not the likliest of food and beverage combinations when eaten together, and especially odd when a recipe advocates you MIX THE TWO into one bacon-y alcoholic drink.
If you're into grape juice, then you should try out this Concord grape fruit drink, in a South American style drink called an agua fresca. An "agua fresca" is a fruity drink blended with water and sugar, then strained to make a vibrant, refreshing and absolutely delicious beverage. This recipe uses colorful Concord grapes, simple syrup and fresh lime juice. This recipe makes a big batch that'll keep for a couple of days, so you'll have plenty to share when you invite friends to help you rake...
Enjoy the taste of tarragon in your own homemade-style soda pop! If you're a soda lover, you can't not make this delicious beverage. This vibrant soda combines fresh tarragon leaves, simple syrup and seltzer water. Served over ice, it's a crisp and colorful presentation that actually sparkles in the glass!
Green tea and ginger are two of the healthiest natural herbs you can put in your body, with all sorts of health benefits. Watch this video to learn how to prepare and steep your own ginger green tea from fresh ingredients.
In order to make this vegan-quality nut milk, you'll need soaked and sprouted almonds, agave nectar, pinch of salt, water, cheesecloth and strainer. This is a great raw recipe for nut milk where you can even reuse your leftover almond remains for some tasty raw cookies! Watch and learn this great vegan recipe for a dairy-free, soy-free, milk alternative.
If you're still drinking tea from water infused with a dinky little tea bag then you're not really drinking tea at all. In fact, drinking tea from a tea bag you get at Ralph's is equivalent to eating a burger and fries at a fast food joint and thinking it's real food.
In this tutorial, we learn how to blend a homemade smoothie. You will first need to grab some frozen fruits of your choice and place them into a blender. Some good fruits to use include: strawberries, pineapples, papaya, and blueberries. After this, add in strawberry ice cream to the blender and two fresh bananas. Add in 1 c of mango juice, then place the top on the blender. Blend this on high until all of the ingredients have combined together. You may need to stir during the middle of the...
Chef Merlin teaches us how to make multiple delicious smoothies in this video. To make a tropicolada, add ice, 3/8 tsp coconut cream, 3 tbsp yogurt, fresh pineapple (however much you would like) and pieces of a banana. Then, put the top on and blend this until everything is combined. For the next smoothie, add in milk and ice to the bottom of the blender, then add in yogurt, honey, and a banana. Now, place the cap on and blend this until well combined! For the last smoothie, combine vanilla...