You know how you can go to those little Mexican restaurants that have the refreshing drink machines full of that sweet rice drink, horchata? Did it ever seem like some kind of arcane powdered mix or a secret recipe you would never know? If you've ever found a recipe, did you imagine it needing all these crazy ingredients that you can't find for cheap at your local supermarket?
Not to worry, this is very simple and very delicious and cheap drink to make, and this recipe makes about 11 cups.
- 2 cups white long-grain rice
- 10 cups water
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- Tiny pinch nutmeg (optional)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Tools Needed:
- Blender
- 2 large bowls or other containers
- Measuring spoons
- Measuring cup
- Colander
- Pitcher
- Large spoon for stirring
Blending the First Ingredients
Measure out the rice and pour it into the blender bowl.

Only 8 cups of water will fit in our blender with the rice (we will add more later).

Add your cinnamon, and if you desire it, nutmeg.

Give it a whirl until some of the rice just barely starts to break up into smaller pieces. We noticed that if the rice is too broken up it will taste a little too starchy. If it isn't broken up enough, it won't steep well and won't taste like the delicious horchata you know and love.

Let It Steep
Pour the contents of your blender jar into a large bowl.

Add the last of the water and cover the bowl. Let it sit at least 4 hours or overnight.

After Letting It Steep
We often use either a large bowl or our soup pot. Place your colander inside.

Uncover the horchata mix and stir it up.

Pour the liquid into the colander to strain out the rice. Remove the colander so you can add the last ingredients.

Add the Last Ingredients
Measure out the sugar and pour it into the bowl or pot.

Measure out the vanilla extract and add that.

Last ingredient! Measure out the milk and pour it in. Mix it all up!

Make sure you mix it very well. Pour it into your pitcher and place in the refrigerator to cool. Serve when cold.

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